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Anhui Forestry Science and Technology

(季刊,1975 年创刊)

39 卷 1 期(总 150 期)   Vol. 39 No. 1   Mar. 2013    



1.安徽中南部5 种主要森林类型土壤微生物数量分析……………… 陈维 刘俊龙 佘诚棋 等 (3)

Quantitative Analysis on the Soil Microorganisms in the 5 Main Forest Types in Central and  South Anhui 

 ……………………………………………… CHEN Wei, LIU Jun-long, SHE Cheng-qi, et al. (3)

2.“夏普蓝”蓝莓组培苗瓶外生根及其育苗技术研究初报  ………………………………  孙刚 (7)

Preliminary Study Report on Ex Vitro Rooting of Tissue Culture Plantlets and Plantlet-raising Techniques of “Sharpblue” Blueberry ………………………………………………………………… SUN Gang (7)

3.外源Ca2+对干旱胁迫下沙地云杉幼苗抗旱性生理指标的影响………李苗苗 冯雪 邹春静 (12)

Effects of Exogenous Ca2+ on the Drought Resistance-Related Physiological Indexes of Picea mongolica Seedlings under Drought Stress

…………………………………………………… LI Miao-miao, FENG Xue, ZOU Chun-jing (12)

4.生物质提取液对脐橙叶片的影响 ………………………………王小东 余能富 贺磊 (15)

Effects of Biomass Extracts on the Leaf Blades of Navel Orange …WANG Xiao-dong, YU Neng-fu, HE Lei (15)

5.基于AHP 法的杨柳小流域森林资源综合评价研究……………………………潘丽琴 罗明灿 (18)

Comprehensive Evaluation of Forest Resources in Yangliu Small Watershed Based on AHP

 ………………………………………………………… PAN Li-qin,LUO    Ming-can   (18)

6.闽北5 种阔叶树抗镉胁迫能力的比较研究  …………………………………冯秀珍 (22)

Comparative Research on the Cadmium Stress Resistance of 5 Broadleaved Tree Species in North Fujian

……………………………………………………………………………… FENG Xiu-zhen (22)

7.不同海 坡段生物防火林带火力楠生长情况及阻火效果分析 ………………郑宝定 (27)

Analysis  on the  Growth  and  Fire Retardant  Effects of  Michelia  macclurei in Biological Fire  Prevention Forest Belts  at Different Altitudes

…………………………………………………………………………… ZHENG Bao-ding (27)

8.皖南山区毛竹实生苗繁育及其实生林生长发育规律研究 ……………………汪政忠 (30)

Study on the Seedling-raising and Growth-Development Patterns of the Seedlings and Seedling  Plantations in the Mountain Areas of South Anhui   …………………………………………………………………………WANG Zheng-zhong (30)


9.淮南煤矿塌陷区覆土造地模式效果及评价 ……………  季琳琳 刘俊龙 陈维 等 (33)

Effects and Evaluation of Land Reclamation Patterns in Coalmine Subsidence Areas in Huainan

 …………………………………………………… JI Lin-lin,LIU Jun-long,CHEN Wei ,et al (33)

10.图解白蜡蚧 ……………………………………………………  程桂林 葛泉君 侯忠新 (36)

Illustration of  Ericerus pe la  …………… CHENG Gui-lin, GE Quan-jun, HOU Zhong-xin (36)

11.金针菇的研究进展及开发利用前景 ……………………… 杨万波 兰士波 温爱亭 等 (41)

Research Progress and Development Prospects of Flammulina Velutipes

 …………………………………………………… YANG Wan-bo, LAN Shi-bo, WEN Ai-ting, et al (41)

12.落叶松起源演化与利用价值述评 ……………………………………………… 李红艳 (44)

A Summary of the Origin, Evolution and Utilization Value of Larch Resources……… LI Hong-yan (44)


13.运用现代林业理论指导生态强省建设的探讨 …………………………………… 程鹏 (48)

Discussion on Application of Modern Forestry in Building Anhui into an Ecological Province 

……………………………………………………………………  CHENG Peng (48)

14.蒙城县杨树产业现状与发展对策 ………………………………………………… 谢奎 (51)

Present Situations and Development Strategies of the Poplar Industry in Mengcheng County

……………………………………………………………………………………… XIE Kui (51)

15.休宁县林木食叶害虫危害现状及防控措施 …………………………………… 江雪峰 (53)

Present  Situations of Damage  by  Leaf-eating Forest  Pests and  Sustainable Prevention    

…………………………………………………………………………………… JIANG Xue-feng (53)

16.皖南祁门中药材产业现状及发展对策 …………………………………………… 汪斐 (56)

Current Situations of the China Medicinal Material Industry in Qimen and its Development  Ideas  

……………………………………………………………………………………… WANG Fei (56)

17.生态公益林可持续经营理念的创新探讨 ………………… 詹国明 周财荣 李日鸿 等 (59)

Innovative Discussion on Sustainable Management Ideas of Ecological Public-welfare Forests

………………………………………… ZHAN Guo-ming, ZHOU Cai-rong, LI  Ri-Hong, et al (59)

18.徽州区林下经济发展现状及对策浅析 ………………………………………… 姚立君 (63)

Present  Development  Situations  of Under-forest Econorny  in  Huizhon  District and Development   Strategies. ……………………………………………………………………………… YAO Li-jun (63)


19.合肥地区红楠播种育苗技术初报 ……………………… 丁增发 刘俊龙 夏尚光 (66)

Preliminary Report on Raising Seedlings of Machilus thunbergii in Hefei City

…………………………………………… DING Zeng-fa, LIU Jun-long, XIA Shang-guang  (66)

20.南方红豆杉栽培技术  ………………………………………………………………… 汪樱桃(68 )

21.歙县山区山核桃低产成林改造技术初探 …………………………………………… 张玉林 (70)

22.银鹊树育苗与造林技术 ……………………………………………………………… 马爱明 (73)

23.杨小舟蛾防治技术  …………………………………………………………………… 赵洪文 (75)


安徽省林业厅关于切实抓好今春育苗生产的紧急通知…………………………………… (62)



阜南县大力发展晚秋黄梨努力打造林业特色产业………………………………………… (80)

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