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Anhui Forestry Science and Technology

Vol. 38    No.4   Dec. 2012



1.安徽四种黄精属植物光合生理特性的研究 ………………………………………………………… 骆绪美,余国清,郭婉琳等

Study on the Photosynthesis Physiological Characteristics of 4 Polygonatum Species in Anhui Province

2.3个树莓品种光合生理特性的研究 …………………………………………………………………… 杨婷婷,苗婷婷,杨李等

Study on Photosynthesis Physiological Characteristics of 3 Varieties of Rubus corchorifolius

3.海藻糖对NaCl胁迫下多年生黑麦草苗期生长和离子平衡的影响 …………… 连俊方,闫道良,郭坤,热依汗古丽.热西提

Effects of Trehalose on the Growth and Ion Balance of Lolium perenne under NaCl Stress in the Seedling Stage

4.六安市丘岗地松树部分病害的调查分析…………………………………………………………………………………… 刘明生

Investigation and Analysis on Some Hillock Pine Diseases in Lu'an City

5.人工饲养扬子鳄野外放归的试验成效初报………………………………………………………………………… 余本付,邵民

Initial Experiment Achievements in Releasing into the Wild Artificially-bred Alligator sinensis


6.金刚台国家地质公园(金寨)区域植物资源调查初报…………………………………………………………………… 方泰泉

Preliminary Report on the Regional Botanical Resources Survey of Jingangtai National Geopark in Jinzhai County


7.园林技术专业人才培养方向的研究………………………………………………………………………………………… 殷华林

Research on the Training Directions of Landscaping Technology Professionals

8.林权争议的特点及调处对策研究…………………………………………………………………………………… 冯伟,徐承奎

Features of the Forest Tenure Disputes and Study on the Mediation Coping Strageties

9.2011年宁国市山核桃减产原因分析及产业发展建议 ……………………………………………  龚巧枝,吴志辉,胡云飞等

Cause Analysis on the Output Reduction of Carya cathayensis in Ningguo City in 2011 and Suggestions for Its Industrial Development

10.福建省永春县生态公益林补偿资金管理初探…………………………………………………………………………… 吕燕华

Discussion on the Management of the Compensation Fund for Public-welfare Ecological Forests in Yongchun County, Fujian Province

11.广德县“竹业富民”战略实施探析………………………………………………………………………………………… 方俊

Analysis on the Implementation of the Strategy Enriching the People through Bamboo Industry in Guangde County

12.湖南省炎陵县森林旅游发展现状与对策研究 ……………………………………………………………………谢琴,赖庆奎

Study on the Current Development Situations of Forest Tourism in Yanling County and the Copying Strategies

13.马尾松采脂林经营存在的问题及建议…………………………………………………………………………………… 张玉林

Existing Problems and Suggestions in the Management of Resin-tapping Plantations of Pinus massoniana

14.霍邱东西湖湿地管理现状及保护对策浅析……………………………………………………………………………… 刘永敏

Initial Analysis on Present Management Situations of Huoqiu East-West Lake Wetland and Conservation Strategies

15.霍山县森林资源现状及动态分析………………………………………………………………………………… 何卫东,冯伟

Dynamic Analysis on the Present Situations of Forest Resources in Huoshan County


16.Photoshoo软件在基层林业工作中的应用 ……………………………………………………………谭理

17.牡丹5种主要病害的发生及综合防治…………………………………………… 徐擎,王瑞鑫,卫玮等

18.“打烧阻”结合技术在森林灭火中的综合运用 ………………………………………………… 裴孝华

19.安庆市油茶生物防火林带营造技术 ……………………………………………………………… 朱李杰

20.桂花芽苗移栽及苗期管理实用技术 ……………………………………………………………… 孙黎宏

21.无患子育苗栽培与管理技术 ……………………………………………………………………… 李凤玉

22.日本扁柏的人工育苗及栽培管理技术…………………………………………………… 叶显平 隆仕香

23.直立型金银花的栽培管理与采摘加工技术……………………………………………… 何忠稳 艾晓中

24.毛竹林丰产培育技术………………………………………………………………………… 张稳 曹爱国

25.油茶成年林抚育管理技术 ………………………………………………………………………… 李永红

26.试论红色纪念性园林融入城市公园功能 ………………………………………………………… 吴美霞

27.贵池区林业常见病虫害发生与防治简介 ………………………………………………………… 张向明


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