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Anhui Forestry Science and Technology

Vol. 38 No.2 Jun. 2012




1. 长江中下游滩地杨树林植物多样性研究

Study on the Botanical Diversity in Marshland Poplar Plantations in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River

2. 长江中下游滩地杨树林昆虫多样性的初步研究

Study on the Insect Diversity in Marshland Poplar Plantations in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River

3. 人工杨树林对长江中游芦苇滩地土壤细菌多样性影响的研究

Research on the Effects of Poplar Plantations on Soil Bacterial Diversity of Reed Marshlands in the Middle Reaches of Yangtze River

4. 枫香等3种植物水浸液灭螺效果的初步研究

Preliminary Study on the Molluscacidal Effects of Water-soluble Extracts of 3 Plants Inlcuding Liquidambar formosana

5. 6种木本植物叶浸液对钉螺驱杀作用及其生殖器官解剖结构的影响

Expelling and Killing Effects of Leaf Extracts of 6 Woody Plant Species on Oncomelania hupensis and the Impact of the Extracts on the Anatomical Structures of Its Reproductive Organs

6. 不同林龄抑螺防病林林分内钉螺种群分布特点的研究

Research on the Distribution Characteristics and Positive Rates of Oncomelania hupensis in Schistosomasis-Prevention Forests of Different Afforestation Times

7. 修枝对滩地杨树生长和养分的短期影响

Short-term Effects of Pruning on the Growth and Nutrients of Marshland Poplar

8. 正交设计在杨树最佳遗传转化体系的建立

Establishing Optimum Genetic Transformation System for Poplar with Orthogonal Design


9. 长江滩地杨树无性系苗期选择研究

Study on the Selection of Poplar Asexual Varieties in the Seedling-raising Stage on the Yangtze River Marshlands

10. 不同杨树品系引种苗期生长规律与对比试验研究

Study on the Growth Patterns and Contrast Experiments of Different Introduced Poplar Varieties in the Seedling Stage

11. 南埂长江滩地杨树人工林生物量及生长量规律研究

Research on the Biomass and Growth Increment Patterns of Poplar Plantations on the Nangeng Yangtze River Marshlands

12. RNA干涉培育低木质素杨树

Research on RNA-interference Breeding of Low-lignin Poplar Varieties

13. 林下耕作对滩地杨树木材解剖性质的影响研究

Study on the Effects of Tillage on Wood Anatomical Properties of Marshland Poplar

14. 林下耕作对滩地杨树木材物理力学性质的影响研究

Research on the Effects of Tillage on the Physico-mechanical Properties of Poplar Wood on Yangtze River Marshlands


15. 安徽林业血防成就及成因辨析与展望

Analysis and Outlook on the Achievements of Schistosomasis-prevention Forestry and Their Causes in Anhui Province


16. 安徽省抑螺防病林试验示范区建设之探索

Exploration on the Construction of Experimental Demonstration Areas of Oncomelania-control and Schistosomasis-prevention Forests in Anhui Province

17. 安徽省林业血防工程之建设

Construction of Schistosomasis-prevention Forestry Projects in Anhui Province


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