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来源:中国外文局融媒体中心“学习强国”学习平台 2020-07-14
       《习近平谈治国理政》第三卷中英文版近日面向海内外发行。百通社从7月2日起推出12期双语课堂,带你学习总书记著作中的关键词。今天的关键词是“文化自信”(Cultural Confidence)。
       Cultural confidence represents a fundamental and profound force that sustains the development of a country and a nation.
       Culture is a country and nation’s soul. Our country will thrive only if our culture thrives, and our country will be strong only if our culture is strong. Without full confidence in our culture, without a rich and prosperous culture, the Chinese nation will not be able to rejuvenate itself.
       Our writers and artists should look beyond their own lives and go deeper into the lives of ordinary people to tell stories about them, listen to their voices, and celebrate their merits. People working in the philosophy and social science circles should look beyond their ivory tower and conduct extensive field research to see how people live and think, and then address their doubts and concerns in a way that echoes their inner world.
       Great writers and scholars do not put on airs, but produce great works. If writers and scholars do not focus on creating fine works, but take shortcuts and seek instant benefits, they cannot grow into masters.
       All cultural creations and academic research, to be valuable and meaningful, should reflect and respond to reality, address practical problems, and tackle real issues. I hope that based on China's actual conditions, you can create works that reflect our country's progress and our people's enriched lives, and demonstrate the spirit, values and strength of the Chinese nation.

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